
We are broadly dedicated to biodiversity conservation, habitat and ecological restoration, and scientific research. We partner with private landowners, government agencies, research institutions, and NGO's to develop and promote projects in pursuit of these goals.

New Leaf relies upon a network of talented and passionate individuals to achieve our goals and affect on-the-ground change. Our team reflects a diversity and depth of experience, and this allows us to tailor expertise as needed for each of our projects. Whether developing outdoor classrooms with an urban community organization or planning for grassland restoration with private landowners, our skilled team of scientists and planners is ready to help.


We also recognize that commitment to diversity must extend beyond experience to include opinions, viewpoints, and culture. And while dedication to environmental issues is a noble pursuit in itself, we cannot maintain it within a vacuum. We must also address mounting disparities in the opportunities people have to engage in conservation and activism. New Leaf sees inequality as a significant obstacle to grass-roots conservation efforts; as long as people do not have opportunities to participate, their voices and support will always go unheard. We tackle this by prioritizing communities underserved by conservation and education/outreach initiatives, by creating opportunities for those communities to engage and participate, and by approaching scientific communication as an issue of social justice and responsibility.  


New Leaf is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation, and we work hard to remain agile while following a start-up model. As a business, New Leaf is structured around three revenue streams: grants, donations, and consulting fees. Funding from grants is reserved for accomplishing specific goals, typically those outlined in agreements with funding agencies or organizations. In contrast, donors can either choose to allocate their contributions to specific projects of interest, or they can choose to make a general contribution to New Leaf and our mission. Finally, the most flexible source of revenue we receive comes from the fees we charge for our private lands consulting services. Because we are a non-profit, there are no dividends to pay shareholders. This means that we can offer below-market rates for private land consulting services. Additionally, a significant percentage of the consulting fees we receive goes right back into developing new projects and programs that further our mission.  

Please note: our private lands consulting and restoration activities are not funded by donations. We negotiate agreements and costs with individuals and landowners for each project proceeding beyond an initial consultation period. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.